Queens Drag Trump in The UK…

I read an article today that made me immensely happy. There are rumours that at least 1000 drag queens will sashay on down to London and looking their most fabulous will all join in with the wider protest at La Donald’s arrival in this country.

Basically, the sensible part of this country are shouting loud and clear that he is not welcome in this country and he never has been. He tried his best to ride roughshod over the people of North East Scotland with his vile excuse for a golf course and for a little while he got his way. Then he found out that there was a plan to erect a series of wind turbines to create a “wind farm” – akin to La Donald if you will. He’s a hot air farm. He stamped his feet and sulked and tried to get the plans for the wind farm overturned. I’m happy to say that he failed miserably and construction on the first turbines has already begun! How fabulous!

So, back to the queens and the reason for their protest against the fat Fanta faced cretin. They are voicing their disgust at the vile changes that La Donald is imposing. The most prevalent one being the issue of trans people serving in the armed forces. These people have as much right to serve their country as anybody else does! Trump has tried so hard to reinstate the ban on transgender people in the military.

Yet despite every attempt by La Donald and the bleating half wits he has in his cabinet to ban transgender people from the military, they just keep on failing. Every single time they try, the whole effort is quashed by a judge, and that is really pissing off Donny and his band of morons. Two federal courts have now ruled against the ban which is wonderful news. Let’s just hope that they keep is doing so. Trump is clearly not the LGBTQ ally that he claimed he would be.

With reference to the drag queen protest, there is an event page created on Facebook. So far, one thousand people are down as definitely coming. There are however, seven thousand people marked as “interested”. Oh please let that happen. 7-8 thousand queens in all their glory to show La Donald just what they think of him! That would be the best thing ever, it really would!

We can all learn from this though. We can all stand up and speak out against Trump’s hypocrisy no matter where you are. I urge you, if you are free on the 13th July, get down to London and stand shoulder to shoulder with all the protesters and say no to Trump and his hypocrisy!

What makes people so mean?

No, seriously, what does? We are not born with hate and mean feelings in our heart so clearly as children, our children learn how to think and how to feel from observing the behaviour of the adults around us. We should not be exposing children to maladaptive thought patterns and hate speech when they are so malleable. We should be teaching our children that there are many races, creeds, colours, religions, sexualities and genders that we should all be treating with the same love and respect that we treat the people in our families. Hate is not acceptable.

There are many different ways for us to hate and be mean to one another and we seem to be adept, as humans in finding all of those ways and meeting out some truly horrible ways of making other people hurt and and feel like they are less than human.

What is it that causes hatred? I have a sneaking suspicion that a fear of the unknown/misunderstanding of a topic or group of people has a great deal to do with it. Then people are so scared that they don’t want to learn more about the topic that they “hate” because they think that these other people are wrong or evil in some way and giving in lets them win! It’s not about winning for fuck’s sake! It’s about proving a safe environment for all peoples to co-exist peacefully.

People need a reason to hate, and hate is an incredibly strong word. Jealousy can be often one of the biggest triggers of hate. That they can hate the followers of a certain religion. Do they hate them because they are jealous of the calm and spiritual attitude and life that these people have? It’s certainly possible.

Can we actually understand why so much hate is floating around the collective consciousness? In most countries in the Western world there are now anti hate laws of one form or another in place and still people are prejudiced. Still people hate. Still people are beaten and much worse because of the ignorance and hatred in the hearts of others. The laws are there but they cannot dictate to the human psyche. People will still hate no matter what we do to try and stop it.

LGBTQ people are one group that particularly treated so badly that it makes me cry. A gay person is no different than a straight person apart from who they lay down in bed with at night. Hate of a whole race of people, a whole religion or a group of people with a different sexuality to your own is just hate projection. These people are so insecure within their own skin that they have to project their hate on to other people so that they feel less afraid of their own feelings.

Hate of difference says everything about the person who hates and not the person being hated. These narrow minded haters cannot take a second to just ask themselves exactly what it is that makes them this way. In most cases (not all, but most) you can trace it back to the person’s upbringing and the people around them when they where growing up. I stress in not all cases as I am one of those cases. My so called ‘father’ was a violent racist, fascist, bigoted homophobic scumbag. Yet me? I don’t have any hate in my heart. I just wish I could help people wake up and ditch their hatred and prejudice.

Haters can hate for as simple a reason as you have something they want. From a piece of jewellery to a partner… they covet what you have. Moving on from that, they can also hate you because they are convinced that you do not deserve what you have but they do deserve what you have. They can see themselves losing in life to you and that is something that really gets under your skin. There could have been something that happened between the two of you in the past. Not necessarily romantic, maybe a fight. While you have grown up and moved on, they have not. If you were a partner to this person, they may be obsessed with hating you because of the very thing I just said. You have moved on yet they have not.

It could be something as simple as the fact that they have nothing better to do with their lives. That is to be pitied. They could be jealous of the fact that your life is going well and yours is not. They could be craving attention. For all of the nasty little comments they write bring them attention of one form or another and they think that “I’m doing this just because I can.”

They are possibly hate filled bigots who have been indoctrinated into hate by those around them. They see themselves as self righteous and being on the moral high ground. They are little more than nasty little jealous creeps and are so unhappy with the things in their own life that they make it their mission in life to upset yours too. They can have a pathological need to put other people down in order to feel good about themselves.

How can we stop people hating? Well in reality we can’t. All we can do is counter the darkness with light wherever we find it and work hard to educate as many people as possible to think for themselves and accept people for who they are.

Be kind to each other.x

Invisible illness…

Call it what you will – chronic, invisible, it doesn’t matter one bit. What matters is that we have to suffer with it all.

I’ve been a sufferer since 2009. My life has drastically changed. I went from being an active, working full time woman, to being medically retired. My head was spinning. I found it so bloody difficult to adjust to the change in my life.

As time has gone by, my condition has deteriorated. Will it deteriorate any further? I don’t know. I hope not, but we shall have to wait and see what happens. I now require a lot of physical care and am not able to do a lot of the things that I used to take for granted.

The amount of ignorance there is surrounding chronic illness, no matter what the illness is. Not only ignorance but also prejudice. Many times I have had some utterly horrendous verbal abuse levelled at me, which is very much not OK. I’ve had people tell me that I shouldn’t be allowed out with “normal people” who have to tolerate wheelchairs! Utter scum.

Having to suffer the physical aspects of a chronic illness is bad enough. But the mental abuse? It’s beyond cruel.

Invisible illness…

I may not have various tubes and wires hanging out of various personal areas of my anatomy. That’s never been an ambition of mine oddly enough.

However, the distinct lack of medical paraphernalia does not act as an indicator for my lack of illness. No sir.

I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in my late teens. Then in my early twenties, osteoarthritis was to follow. Oh deep joy! Years passed and I struggled on with a working life. Then in 2009 my body really decided to play a cruel trick and permanently knock me on my ass. The git.

After months of tests, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and osteoporosis. Such fun, don’t you agree? *rolls eyes*

My working life was finished. I’m now in need of a lot of help. I can’t do a lot of things. But I struggle on and do what I can.

I was recently diagnosed with type 3 EDS as well. But wait dear reader… this is not all. I have not mentioned all the other issues I have. PCOS, IBS and POTS. Aren’t I a lucky girl? I have so many presents from my generous body!

Yet despite all of this… I sit in my wheelchair and I look quite well. This has resulted in me being the butt of some horrendous comments, usually in the doctor’s surgery.

“She’s not old enough to be in that wheelchair”

“She doesn’t even look sick”

“I bet there’s nothing wrong with her”

“I bet she can walk”

Those comments could fill an entire blog post, and I try my hardest to ignore their hateful content. Yet every now and again, I get home and burst into tears.

So next time you see someone that doesn’t look particularly ill? Think before you speak. Please?

Yes, I have tattoos…

OK, I’m seriously pissed off right now. I came home from the home from the doctors, and two poisonous little old battle axes were looking at me and pointing, (yes, fucking pointing) at me and passing comments loud enough for the whole surgery to hear about my tattoos. They were calling me names and saying that I must obviously be scum as I had tattoos. How disgusting tattooed women were. I was so shocked I couldn’t bring myself to relply to these bigoted old hags.

Ink does not define me. My heart does that!